
Wilps Ni'isjoohl Memorial Totem Pole Rematriation

Sim’oogit Ni’isjoohl, his family and the Nisg̱a’a Nation will welcome their ancestors home when the Ni’isjoohl Memorial Pole returns home to Nisg̱a’a Lands!
Please note: at the request of Wilps Ni’isjoohl, children are not permitted to attend the feast due to limited seating capacity.

NLG Executive Meeting Notice and Zoom link - June 2023

June executive is now 2 days and format of reporting change for this month only;

NLG Executive April Monthly Meeting

The public registration link for April 24th is: https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_aNCFNdgxQMmgQvtFJcR9pw

*Note: The Executive proceedings for April 25th will be IN-CAMERA, therefore Zoom will not be available for public observation*


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