The Late Katherine Stephens

Wil dip k'ax amgoohl Sigidimnak' t-an kwsdaksdim

T'ooyaksim niin Sigidimnak' K'amksisilkw ahl wii t'isim gan wilxo'oskw ginamin as nuum. Hlaa mi niiwahl genxhl adiigwil hooyihl ga nitsiits'gum ganhl ga niye'etgum - gan wilhl - Haagwil hiyeen Sigidimnak' - Haagwil hiyeen.

Katherine Stephens, Wilps Duuk', Laxgibuu - October 20, 1925 - November 25, 2008.

Nisga'a Lisims Government and Staff extends its deepest sympathies to the family.

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