Safety and Wellness Plan

A Safety Plan is a committment to living to be made by a person in crisis (with your help). They need to:

Keep Safe

  1. Remove planned suicide methods.
  2. Ensure they are safe
    According to their suicide risk they may need to:
    1. take care of themselves
    2. go to their family/friends
    3. go to a hospital and be on 24 hour watch
  3. Meet with clinician
    to assess mental health/suicide risk
  4. Stay sober
    if there are alcohol or drug use issues

Pursue Wellness

  1. Meet with a counsellor to:
    • talk out feelings
    • learn to fight suicide self-talk
  2. Spend time with families and friends
  3. Puruse positive activities:
    • reasons to live/soothing pastimes

If a suicidal person refuses to commit to the Safety Plan,
then you need to make it happen for them.

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