Stewardship, Outreach & Education, Capacity Building and Leadership - Building Up Our Youth.

Our youth have a story that needs telling‚Ķ they must be a part of protecting and restoring Nass coastal marine species at risk, critical habitat, and traditional knowledge of marine resource uses‚Äù. While several marine species are used as agents of this program, the abalone will be the Nisga‚Äôa Coast Watch keystone species for promoting best management practices, conservation and protection of marine resources in Northern BC and Nass Coastal Waters.  Key information was gathered from youth journals, mind map exercises, and open dialogue with Nisga‚Äôa youth (ages 6-12) to help develop a program that meets the needs of our youth and Nisga‚Äôa citizens.

Please read on and review a "Draft Youth Community Action Plan", brainstormed by Nisga'a Fisheries & Wildlife, our partners, and Nisga'a Youth (Marine Stewardship summer camp). 

We welcome your feedback, this is your community, your resources. your heritage, your future. Please get Involved.

Call Blair Stewart, Coastal Manager, Nisga'a Fisheries & Wildlife



  • Continue organizing and building a Nisga‚Äôa Youth Stewardship Group (enlist and seek growth of active youth membership).
  • Organize a youth environmental stewardship advisory committee, represented by: Nisga‚Äôa Lisims Government (Youth Advisory Council, Human Resources, Communications; Fisheries & Wildlife), and School District 92.
  • Revise, finalize, and adopt the Nisga‚Äôa Youth Coast Watch Community Action Plan (NYCW-CAP) by the environmental youth advisory committee.
  • Promote stewardship of abalone (and other marine species at risk) in north coast communities by raising awareness and encouraging youth participation in Coast Watch.

Outreach & Education

  • School enrichment: Transfer traditional and scientific knowledge of species at risk (abalone), technological applications for species and habitat recovery, and principles of conservation biology to Nisga‚Äôa youth in School District 92.
  • Camps: Facilitate community workshops, field trips, youth eco-forums, and youth exchanges to promote Nisga‚Äôa marine issues at a regional and global scale.
  • After school activities: Promote youth outdoor education and practicum (i.e., marine stewardship camps, water park, signs, recycling program/center, garbage cans, ditch clean-ups, beach trails; interpretive programs; marine wildlife and fisheries monitoring)
  • Increase youth participation with communication campaign: web (blog), youth newsletter, letters to government; articles to press.

Capacity Building

  • Nisga‚Äôa Fisheries & Wildlife continue to facilitate youth mentorship program (Ages 15-30) for increasing youth employment opportunities and interest in natural resource management and protection.
  • Build a new generation of marine scientists-technicians while adding value to the worth of our elders, and Nisga‚Äôa women.


  • Empower youth citizenship and proactive governance by meaningful representation of Youth, communicating for youth, environmental issues for consideration and decision-making by Nisga‚Äôa Lisims Government.
  • Youth Stewardship Group ‚ÄúDraft Strategic Marine Use Plan‚Äù based on their own inventory of traditional family practices and knowledge, maps of the Nass Coastal region (Google Earth), and interviews with experts (DFO and Nisga‚Äôa Fisheries & Wildlife).
  • Build a Trust Fund for Nisga‚Äôa Youth Conservation Group to promote sustainable marine practices and community education.
  • Increase youth participation with funding campaign: corporate sponsorship (Save-On Foods, hot dog sales & coupon booklets), Marine Bingo special event fund raising, auction-sell Nisga‚Äôa Fisheries merchandise (hats, shirts, jackets, cups, knives, calendars).

Feedback welcome and to learn more about what we have planned for 2010, please call:

Blair Stewart, Coastal Manager, Nisga'a Fisheries & Wildlife, 250-633-2617.

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