Congratulations Lisa Stephens! Si'aamhl wilin Lisa!
Lisa Stephens
Second Place Carpentry category - Regional Skills Canada Competition – Terrace BC
Although she did not win first place for carpentry, which would have sent her automatically to provincials, it looks like she can compete for cabinetmaking, since the competition is not offered by NW region. Consultations with Jamie Maxwell of Skills Canada, and Coast Mountain have generated a spot for Lisa in Abbotsford in April. Coaches Carlos Alcuaz and Rich Hotson are training her every day.
Lisa has also had her name put forward from ITA (Industry Training Authority) so she can potentially attend the Canada Youth Summit in Ottawa May 2-3, 2019. Here’s a little glimpse of what we’re talking about: “The Summit will provide an opportunity for the Prime Minister, as Minister of Youth, to reflect on what he has heard from youth on a national youth policy for Canada, and to continue the discussion with youth on those issues that matter to them.
(…) the Government would cover transportation, accommodations and hospitality expenses for all participants. (…) youth candidates between the ages of 16-24 to attend.”
Congratulations Lisa and to her coaches Carlos Alcuaz and Rich Hotson
Submitted By:
Joe Rhodes, Superintendent S.D. #92 - Nisga'a