Government Structure
Home Government Nisg̱a’a Lisims Government Government Structure

The Nisg̱a’a Nation has the right to self-government and the authority to make laws. Nisg̱a’a Government is democratic, representative, and responsible to its citizens.
Nisg̱a’a Government is composed of the Nisg̱a’a Lisims Government (NLG) and the four Nisg̱a’a Village Governments. Each Nisg̱a’a Village acts through its Nisg̱a’a Village Government in exercising its rights, powers and privileges, and in carrying out its duties, functions, and obligations.
Wilp Si’ayuukhl Nisg̱a’a (WSN) is the 36-member legislative body responsible for considering and passing Nisg̱a’a Lisims Government laws. The Council of Elders provides guidance and oversight.
For a diagram of Nisg̱a’a Government, click the attachment below:
Wilp Si’ayuukhl Nisg̱a’a (WSN) is the 36-member legislative body responsible for considering and passing Nisg̱a’a Lisims Government laws. It includes every Officer of NLG, the Chief Councillor, Village Councillors of each Nisg̱a’a Village, and two elected representatives from each Nisg̱a’a Urban Local (Nisg̱a’a communities in Terrace, Prince Rupert/Port Edward, and Vancouver).
The President, Secretary-Treasurer, Chairperson and Chairperson of the Council of Elders are elected by all Nisg̱a’a citizens while the Chief Councillor and Village Councillors are elected by Nisg̱a’a citizens resident in each village.
The executive consists of the Officers, the Chief Councillor of each Nisg̱a’a Village Government, and one representative from each Nisg̱a’a Urban Local.
The Nisg̱a’a have always governed ourselves according to Ayuukhl Nisg̱a’a, the traditional laws and practices of the Nisg̱a’a Nation. The Council of Elders provides guidance and interpretation of the Ayuuk to Nisg̱a’a government. Composed of chiefs, matriarchs, and respected Nisg̱a’a elders, the Council of Elders is appointed by NLG in accordance with Nisg̱a’a law and the Nisg̱a’a Final Agreement. The Chairperson of the Council of Elders is elected by all Nisg̱a’a citizens.
Chairperson of the Council of Elders
Alvin Azak, Sim’oogit Lik’in̍skw, Gisḵ’aast, Gitwinksihlkw
Regular Members:
Eric Grandison, Sim’oogit Niy̓snoohl, Gisḵ’aast, New Aiyansh
Matthew Moore, Sim’oogit Wisin Xbil̓tkw, Gisḵ’aast, Lax̱g̱alts’ap
William Moore, Sim’oogit Duuḵ’, Gibuu, Lax̱g̱alts’ap
Alvin Nelson, Sim’oogit Sim’oogidim X̱sgaak, Lax̱sgiik, Ging̱olx
Rosie Robinson, Sigidim-naḵ’ Yool̓ Gibuu, New Aiyansh
Henry Stephens, Sim’oogit Gints’aadax̱, Gibuu, Ging̱olx
Re-appointed Regular Members
Willard Martin, Sim’oogit Niy̓sy̓uus, Gisḵ’aast, Lax̱g̱alts’ap
Harry Moore, Sim’oogit Luudisdoos, G̱anada, Ging̱olx
Alternate Members
Venita Barton, Gibuu, Ging̱olx
Claude Morven, Gibuu, New Aiyansh
Diane Stewart,Sigidim-naḵ’ Siisaa g̱an, G̱anada, New Aiyansh
Keith R. Tait, Sim’oogit Nax̱daxt, G̱anada, New Aiyansh
Elizabeth Wright, Sigidim-naḵ’ Haahlg̱an, Lax̱sgiik, New Aiyansh
The President, Secretary-Treasurer, Chairperson and Chairperson of the Council of Elders are elected by all Nisg̱a’a citizens while the Chief Councillor and Councillors are elected by Nisg̱a’a citizens resident in each village. The Executive consists of the Officers, the Chief Councillor of each Nisg̱a’a Village Government, and one representative from each Nisg̱a’a Urban Local.
President – Eva Clayton
Executive Chairperson – Debra Febril
Secretary-Treasurer – Charles Morven
Chairperson of the Council of Elders – Alvin Azak – Sim’oogit Lik’in̓skw
For biographical information on the above Officers of NLG, see the Officers Bios page.
Other members of the Executive:
Chief Councillor – Gitlaxt’aamiks – Calvin Morven
Chief Councillor – Gitwinksihlkw – Peter Lambright
Chief Councillor – Laxgalts’ap – Sheldon Martin
Chief Councillor – Gingolx – George Alexcee
Executive Representative – Vancouver Urban Local – Andrea Burrell
Executive Representative – Prince Rupert/Port Edward Urban Local – Clifford Morgan
Executive Representative – Terrace Urban Local – Keith Azak
President, Eva Clayton
Eva Clayton became the 7th elected President of the Nisg̱a’a Nation in a regular election on November 2, 2016.
Eva’s public service to the Nisg̱a’a Nation spans decades in various administrative and political capacities.
Her employment history began with the Nisg̱a’a Tribal Council (N.T.C.) in 1980s. While working with the N.T.C. Eva had the privilege of working closely with the many leaders of the day including the lates Dr. Frank Calder, James Gosnell, Rod Robinson to name a few, while they were actively negotiating what would become the Nisg̱a’a Final Agreement.
President Clayton has also held various political offices including Chief Councillor for the Gitlaxt’aamiks Village Government from 2004-2008, and various terms as Councillor for the then Gitlaxt’aamiks Band Council and now Gitlaxt’aamiks Village Government. While Chief Councillor for Gitlaxt’aamiks, Eva also served as Chair to the NLG Programs & Services Committee and has also represented her village government on the Finance Committee.
Eva is Ksim Ganada from Wilps Ksim Xsaan. Eva’s Nisg̱a’a name is Yats’. President Clayton resides in her home community, the Nisg̱a’a Village of Gitlaxt’aamiks with her husband Eric. Eva and Eric have 3 daughters, Megan and twins Kelsey and Amanda. She is the proud grandmother to 5 grandchildren.
Debra Febril, Executive Chairperson
Debra Febril was sworn into office on November 25, 2024, Debra’s education journey began 2011 and achieved Call Ceremony that took place in the Legislative Chamber during the July 2024 Wilp Si’ayuuḵhl Nisg̱a’a (WSN) Sitting.
The Law Society of British Columbia called Debra Febril to the bar on Nisg̱a’a Lands. Dignitaries included: The Honourable Madam Justice Ardith Walkem, Jeevyn Dhaliwal Kings Counsel, President of The Law Society of British Columbia, Don Avison, Kings Counsel, Chief Executive Officer of the Law Society of British Columbia, and Vicki George, Senior Advisor Indigenous Engagement for the Law Society of British Columbia and to address Wilp Si’ayuuḵhl Nisg̱a’a.
Debras academic journey includes a Bachelor of Arts degree in Kamloops in 2011. English major with a specialization in rhetoric and professional writing. Completed a juris doctorate of law in 2014, at Thompson Rivers University in Kamloops.
For any Nisga’a students wanting to pursue a career in law I would recommend this pre law program; it help set Debra’s expectations and also grounded her in her identity as an indigenous woman before entering the profession.
Charles Morven, Secretary-Treasurer
Charles Morven is the newly elected Secretary – Treasurer of the Nisg̱a’a Lisims Government. Charles also sits on the BCAFN Board of Directors.
Charles Morven is a member of the Nisg̱a’a Nation and belongs to Wilps Axdii Wil Luugooda and Ksim Xsaan. Charles currently holds the Nisg̱a’a name, Daaxheet. Secretary – Treasurer Morven originates from the community of Gitlaxt’aamiks. Charles holds the responsibility chairing both Nisg̱a’a Finance Committee and Nisg̱a’a Capital Finance Committee. Secretary – Treasurer Morven also oversees and works with the Management of the Nisg̱a’a Settlement Trust.
Secretary – Treasurer Morven has a Bachelor of Arts Degree in First Nations Studies through UNBC and a certificate in Advanced Management attained through the UBC Sauder’s School of Business. A future educational goal for Charles is to obtain a Master’s in Business Administration.
Charles also served as Council Representative for the Northwest on the First Nations Health Council (FNHC) from 2012-2016. Charles had the responsibilities while on the FNHC as chairperson for the Northwest Regional Table, Partnership Table with Northern Health Authority and the Policy Committee.
Secretary-Treasurer Morven currently resides in the community of Gitwinksihlkw, the home of his wife Nicole Morven. Charles and Nicole have one daughter Peyton Azak-Morven.
Sim’oogit K’eex̱kw – Herb Morven, Chairperson – Council of Elders
NLG is committed to maintaining open, honest, and effective channels of communication. Special Assemblies are held every two years, where government members report on all areas of governance and public programs (both in person and in a printed report). Every Nisg̱a’a citizen has the right to attend and speak at Special Assemblies and the proceedings are webcast to ensure all Nisg̱a’a citizens are able to participate. The last Special Assembly was held May 6-10, 2024, and the next one is scheduled for Spring 2026.
Special Assembly Reports:
2010 Special Assembly Report.pdf
2012 Special Assembly Report.pdf
2014 Special Assembly Report.pdf
2016 Special Assembly Report.pdf
A pillar in the foundation of good governance is a government’s ability to maintain transparency and accountability in its day-to-day operation. The Constitution of the Nisg̱a’a Nation (Nisg̱a’a Constitution) came into effect on May 11, 2000, and provides for the establishment of the Nisg̱a’a Lisims Government, each of the four Nisg̱a’a Village Governments, and the three Nisg̱a’a Urban Locals. The Nisg̱a’a Constitution further called for the enactment of Nisg̱a’a Laws, which, among other things, contain provisions for transparency and accountability in government decision-making and financial administration.
One of the many laws enacted since the Effective Date, the Nisg̱a’a Government Act sets out requirements for the frequency of meetings of various bodies, such as Wilp Si’ayuukhl Nisg̱a’a (WSN), the NLG Executive, the Council of Elders, and other House committees of Nisg̱a’a Government.
The Nisg̱a’a Government Act also includes the Members’ Code of Conduct, which specifies requirements with respect to the conduct of each elected and appointed Nisg̱a’a representative while serving in their official capacity. Nisg̱a’a Government’s standards of financial administration are comparable to standards generally accepted for governments in Canada. There are requirements in Nisg̱a’a Laws for budgets, quarterly reports, annual reports, and audits of the financial activities of Nisg̱a’a Government and Nisg̱a’a Public Institutions. The Nisg̱a’a Financial Administration Actstipulates details for oversight, management and control of all financial matters of the Nisg̱a’a Nation, Nisg̱a’a Government, and Nisg̱a’a Public Institutions.
Under the Nisg̱a’a Financial Administration Act there must be an annual independent audit of financial statements of Nisg̱a’a Government and Nisg̱a’a Public Institutions which is made available for inspection by Nisg̱a’a citizens and is available on the Nisg̱a’a Lisims Government website. The Nisg̱a’a Nation is also accountable to the governments of Canada and British Columbia for the funding provided by those governments and fulfills this obligation by submitting reports and audits, annually or as required.