Capital Finance Commission
Established under the Nisga’a Capital Finance Commission Act, the Nisga’a Capital Finance Commission is established and consists of six commissioners.
Corinne McKay — Secretary Treasurer for Nisga'a Lisims Government
Keith Clayton — Village of Gitlaxt'aamiks
Drae Azak — Village of Gitwinksihlkw
William Moore — Village of Laxgalts'ap
Claude Barton — Village of Gingolx
Henry Moore — by Executive
The purpose of the commision are
(a) To enable the financing of the major maintenance or replacement of the ffa listed assets in accordance with a life cycle management program,
(b) To take reasonable steps to ensure that the major maintenance or replacement of the ffa listed assets that are buildings or other improbements
is financed, planned and constructed in accordaance with procedures, and to standards, that generally apply to the financing, planning and
construction of public buildings and other improvements of organized communities in north-west British Columbia that are of similar size and
remoteness to the Nisga'a Villiges, and
(c) To invest, manage, control and protect funds paid by Canada to the Nisga'a Nation under the fiscal financing agreement, and appropriate to
the capital finance commision fund under the Nisga'a Financial Administration Act, for the purposes set out in parapgraphs (a) and (b).
In addition to carrying out its purposes, the commision must carry out any additional program or project in respect of capital assets of an owner provided
for in the regulations, in any other Nisga'a Lisims enactment, or in a written directive of the executive.