Relief & Respite Care
Home Services Child & Family Services Relief & Respite Care

NCFS has two forms of care for foster parents and parents who are experiencing challenges in the provision of child care: Relief Care for children in care, and Respite Care for parents.
Relief Care is provided to existing foster parents to give them temporary relief or rest from the care they provide. Foster parents are eligible for up to 3 days of relief care per month.
Candidates who wish to provide Relief Care must complete the required due diligence checks. They must pass a criminal background reference check, must have a medical check-up, and must complete a home study.
Respite Care is offered to parents through support service agreements for individuals who approach NCFS for these services and meet the criteria. Support is varied, and set out in the agreement. Respite Care is intended to provide relief for parental responsibilities temporarily.
Candidates who wish to provide Respite Care must complete the required due diligence checks. They must pass a criminal background reference check, must have a medical check-up, and must complete a home study.