Family Group Conferences
Home Services Child & Family Services Family Group Conferences

A Family Group Conference (FGC) is a planning process involving family. A Nisg̱a’a Child & Family Services Social Worker or a Ministry for Children and Family Development Social Worker is usually the person who will first offer this to you as parents. Once you agree, then a referral is made to a Nisg̱a’a Family Group Conference Coordinator.
Family Group Conferences are available when:
- a child protection report has been made to Nisg̱a’a Child and Family Services (NCFS) or the Ministry for Children and Family Development (MCFD) or your child(ren) are in care or at risk of coming into care,
- you or your family members acknowledge the need to develop a plan to keep your child(ren) safe, and
- you or other family members agree to accept the terms and conditions of the conference.
If you have any questions, you can ask the Social Worker you are working with about this Alternative Dispute Resolution process.
Who is included in a Family Group? “Family” includes those who are important to your child(ren):
- parents;
- child(ren);
- maternal aunts, uncles, and grandparents;
- paternal aunts, uncles, and grandparents;
- elders;
- close friends and extended relatives;
- Village Government supports; and
- significant others to whom the family may not be related by marriage or blood.
A Family Group Conference is a way for your family and others close to your child(ren) to come together to make some decisions and develop a plan for your child(ren) that will:
- protect the child(ren)from harm;
- serve the best interests of the child(ren);
- take into account the wishes, needs, and roles of the family and Nisg̱a’a support system; and
- take into account the child(ren)’s family’s Nisg̱a’a culture and community.
Examples of some issues that may be decided upon at a family group conference include the following.
- What will be done to prevent the child(ren) from being hurt or harmed?
- Where will the child(ren) live?
- How extended family and the community will support the family to develop and carry out a plan to keep the child(ren) safe.
- Identify what available resources will be needed and available to support the family to care for and protect the child(ren).
- How to keep the chid(ren) connected to Nisg̱a’a culture and traditional family of origin while in adoptive care (in cases where there is consent).
The FGC Coordinator will set the date, time and location that will be suitable for the people who will attend. Their role is to coordinate and facilitate the family group conference — s/he will not be acting in the role of a child protection Social Worker. The FGC Coordinator will prepare everyone who is invited to the conference. The FGC Coordinator will assist family members to either attend or have their views included in the discussion.
The typical agenda for these meetings includes:
- introductions,
- confidentiality,
- meeting guidelines,
- purpose of the meeting,
- private family time, and
- the Plan.
After an agreement has been reached about the Plan, everyone will be invited back to return to the conference and the family members will present the Plan and provide clarification for the Social Worker and Supervisor, as needed.
The Family Group Conference Coordinator will write up the Plan immediately after the conference. It may be necessary to set up another meeting time to complete a Plan.
Once the Plan is agreed upon, the family, and everyone who attended the conference will receive a copy.