Forest Management
Home Government Natural Resources Forest Management

Through the Forest Resources Department, Nisg̱a’a Lisims Government manages Nisg̱a’a forests to provide employment and to protect our natural inheritance.
Ecological sustainability is a prime consideration in the development and approval for all operations within Nisg̱a’a Lands and the Nisg̱a’a Forest Act sets high standards to maintain biodiversity. This involves implementing a total, integrated, and quantifiable forest management program, and developing strategies to meet the requirements set out in the Nisg̱a’a Forest Act and Land Use Plans.
The Treaty requires that Nisg̱a’a forestry practices meet or exceed standards established under provincial forestry practices legislation for Crown Land. NLG is committed to meeting this requirement while providing employment for Nisg̱a’a people today and for generations to come.
Areas of Responsibility include:
- forest resources management and planning;
- timber harvesting and reforestation;
- Nisg̱a’a Public Lands Forest Development Plan;
- Nisg̱a’a Village Lands Forest Development Plan;
- botanical forest products;
- permit fee structure;
- protection of forest resources;
- forest fires;
- pests and diseases;
- integrated resource management plans;
- resource inventories;
- recreation site management plans;
- provision of mapping and geographic information services to Nisg̱a’a Lisims Government;
- compliance and enforcement for forest resources;
- forest resource policy development; and
- supporting Nisg̱a’a Village Governments with forest resources related issues.
For information about environmental assessments on Nisg̱a’a Lands, contact the Directorate of Lands & Resources at: 250 633 3000.
We must take care of this Earth—all the animals, every stream in the valley—and this land on which you and I live.
—Ayuukhl Nisg̱a’a