VIDEO | Enrollment & Eligibility Nisga'a Nuum Campaign Launch.

Watch the video here ---> Enrollment & Eligibility Nisga'a Nuum Campaign

Here at Nisga’a Lisims Government, we take pride in the work that we do, and we will go to great lengths to meet the needs of our people.
For 2017 we will begin by launching a campaign:  Nisga’a Nuum- We are Nisga’a!
Be sure to check out our table at the 58th Annual All Native Basketball Tournament from February 13th – 18th. We will be accepting applications for baby registry, address updates, and lastly, we will be doing photos for the newly designed citizenship cards for all Nisga’a Citizens. So look for our signs, get your photo done and we will mail you your new card.  We have some swag for all ages, and awesome door prize draws.
Another campaign I would like to support during that time is the NLG Communications Department “Go Green” campaign. They will be at our table to take email addresses for the go paperless initiative for the NLG electronic newsletter and other NLG distribution notices.  It is only with your support, we can make this goal a success!  T̓ooyaḵsim̓ n̓iin ii dim huxw ga’am̓ n̓iin!

Information on citizenship:
T  250 633 3026
F  250 633 3049
TF  1888 311 9457

PO BOX 231  /  2000 LISIMS DR  /  GITLAXT'AAMIKS BC  /  CANADA  /  V0J 1A0

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