Dance, Drumming, & Song

The Nisga'a, like many other First Nations, almost lost many of their songs and dances when the government banned Potlatches and other components of their traditional culture. Today, a Nisga'a cultural renaissance is under way. Groups like the Four Crest Dancers from Gitwinksihlkw celebrate Nisga'a dance and tradition at aboriginal and non-aboriginal cultural events throughout the Northwest, Canada, and around the world. The dance group has become a role model for other First Nations — they play an important role in public education. The regalia worn by the dancers is red and black. Men usually wear black with red. Black is symbolic of the darkness that was upon the earth before the appearance of the sunlight. The red is symbolic of the sun and the life that is brought by the sun. Women wear red on black as they are the givers of life.

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