NVHA Notice of Election for Directors

An election for the Directors of the Nisga’a Valley Health Authority will be held on May 1, 2013.


The following people were nominated and submitted the required paperwork under the bylaws of the Society and were approved as candidates:

Candidate Name                    Position

Stevens, Peter Graham                 Gingolx

Watts, Mary-Lee Elva                   Gingolx

Moore, Johnny Frank                    Gingolx


Morven, Maureen Dorothy         Gitlaxt‚Äôaamiks

Mercer, Kate Emily                        Gitlaxt‚Äôaamiks

Robinson, Reginald Charles        Gitlaxt‚Äôaamiks 


Moore, James Charles                   Laxgalts‚Äôap

Leeson, Peter Andrew                  Laxgalts‚Äôap

Stephens, Sylvia Jesse                   Laxgalts‚Äôap


Hayduk, Norman David                Local Health Area 92

Cross, Peter  Goymer                    Local Health Area 92


Nyce, Sally-Ann Everard             Gitwinksihlkw


There being only one candidate for the position of Director for Gitwinksihlkw, Sally-Ann Everard Nyce is elected by acclamation to that position. 

Polls will be open from 8:00 a.m. until 8:00 p.m. on Wednesday May 1, 2013 in the following voting locations:

Gitlaxt’aamiks: GitlakdamixVillage Government, 5200 Skateen Avenue, V0J 1A0

Laxgalts’ap: Laxgalts’ap Recreation Centre, 441 Church Street, V0V 1X0

Gingolx: Gingolx Village Government, 604 Front Street, V0V 1B0


An advance poll will be held in those locations from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 pm on Wednesday April 24, 2013.

Since the Director for Gitwinksihlkw has been elected by acclamation, there will be no polling station established in Gitwinksihlkw. Electors in Gitwinksihlkw who are eligible to vote for the Local Health Area 92 Director will be required to vote in one of the other voting locations.

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