Wilps Ni’isjoohl Ceremony at National Museum of Scotland

This week, Sim’oogit Ni’isjoohl (Chief Earl Stephens), Nox̱s Ts’aawit (Dr. Amy Parent), and a delegation of Simgigat and Nisg̱a’a representatives are in Edinburgh, Scotland to meet with Scottish officials and to observe sacred and important Nisg̱a’a protocols before the Ni’isjoohl Pts’aan embarks on its spiritual journey home to Nisg̱a’a Lands in September. 

A ceremony will take place at the National Museum of Scotland at 8:00am Scotland time on Monday August 28, 2023 - that is midnight Pacific Standard Time.  

Sim’oogit Ni’isjoohl would like for his family and the Nisg̱a’a Nation to share in the experience of this historic event, therefore Nisg̱a’ a Lisims Government will go live via the NLG - Nisg̱a’a Lisims Government Facebook page.

Tune in at midnight tonight and share in the experience!  Please pass the word along.

*Please note* cellular data is not very strong here, but we do plan to connect to Museums wifi - but we ask for your patience and understanding should there be technical difficulties. 

T’ooyaḵsim̓ n’isim̓! 

Monday, August 28, 2023 - 00:00 to 01:15
Edinburgh, Scotland
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