Cultural treasures displayed in their place of origin...
Nisga'a dancing and singing is in good hands...
A 113 year old journey...
A powerful symbol of rebirth and renewal...
Glacial fed rivers and creeks...
Pristine waters and dramatic landscapes...
We continue to pass down our stories...
Our ancestors were given animals to be used as crests by each wilp...
Nisga'a carving and art continues today...
Take only what you need to survive and leave the rest...
We respect the wisdom of our Elders...
A land of sacred mountains and dense forests...
Txeemsim... brought light to the world...
Nisga'a fisheries program is second to none...
We are all connected to each other...
Economic growth aligned with our Nass Area Strategy...
The natural beauty of our land welcomes you...
Hoobiyee... celebrating the Nisga'a New Year...
Post secondary education is a top priority...
Sustainable wildlife management...
Oolichan were traded along the Grease Trail...
People lived where the fish were - where our forefathers always lived...
Career paths defined ...
Vetter Creek... naturally filtered through ancient lava beds...
Working to resolve the land question...
Along the coast, the seafood capital of the Nass...
Nisga'a Museum / home to over 300 priceless artifacts...
You will be moved by the power and spirit encountered here...
Passing on ayuuk to our youth...
263 years ago, site of Canada's last great volcanic eruption...
1913 / Nisga'a Land Committee submits petition to British Privy Council...

Word of the Day


rain, to rain

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