Yukw Feast

"It is important to understand what we mean by the "feast of Yukw", the basis of our feasting procedures and protocols today.  By present day terms, the feast of Yukw is the Nisga'a legal system of a land registry that parallels the European system of a land registry.  In the Yukw feast when the deceased is a Sim'oogit, it is a requirement for the host to tell the Adaawak of their Wilp as a means of proving title to their Ango'oskw.

The institution of the Yukw is carried out today in two phases, by the settlement feast first thent he stone-moving feast a year later.  By Nisga'a Ayuuk, the procedures of Yukw continue to be observed in both feasts.  The sacredness of the Yukw is based upon respect for our lands and resources, and on the sanctity of death itself."

Sim'oogit Minee'eskw, 2000
(the late) Rod Robinson

Chairman, Council of Elders
Nisga'a Lisims Government

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