Learning Nisga'a

Our Elders have worked hard to promote and preserve our traditional language. Nisga'a is currently taught in our schools (District #92). A Nisga'a language app is archived at the Online Aboriginal Database at FirstVoices.com. It is a media rich bilingual dictionary and phrase collector comprised of words and phrases. The archive is titled Nisga'a. There are 3,875 words archived and 1,041 phrases. Also, Nisga'a language classes for adults are offered through WWNI. In our Nisga'a villages of Gingolx, Laxgalts'ap, and Gitlaxt'aamiks (formerly New Aiyansh), over 300 people are fluent Nisga'a speakers. In the smaller village of Gitwinksihlkw, over 60 people are fluent speakers.

Many people of all ages in all our villages have some knowledge of the Nisga'a language. Across Nisga'a society, there is a high level of interest in learning the language. These are impressive numbers and speak to the dedication of our Elders and teachers and the determined effort we are all making to keep the Nisga'a language at the forefront of cultural importance.

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