David Suzuki visits Nisga’a Nation

On June 4, 2013, Dr. David Suzuki and his wife Tara Cullis visited Nisga’a Lisims Government (NLG) for a brief tour of the Nation’s offices.  Dr. Suzuki was in the Valley as part of the Wilp Wilxo’oskwhl Nisga’a Institute’s graduation celebrations where he was to give a stimulating speech later that afternoon.  In the meantime, Dr. Suzuki wanted to observe the progress of Nisga’a government since his last visits during the early days of the Nisga’a Treaty.

First we toured the NLG building featuring the Calder room, and then brought David and Tara to the legislative chambers - the Wilp Si’ayuukhl Nisga’a (WSN) - the heart of the NLG building.   When we entered the WSN chambers, the elders on the Enrolment and Eligibility Committee were meeting, and adjourned briefly to allow us to welcome Dr. Suzuki.  The Committee even wanted a group photo with David, who graciously participated in a group shot.  After overcoming some technical difficulties, you can see how pleased everyone was to meet Dr. Suzuki and his wife (see below).  While in the WSN chambers, David paused to admire the photos of many of our leaders of the past, many of whom David fondly remembered during his early days: Frank Calder, James Gosnell, Rod Robinson, Nelson Leeson, and Dr. Joseph Gosnell and Edmond Wright to name a few. 

Afterwards, Dr. Suzuki viewed the framed version of the 1913 Petition here at NLG.  He openly praised and marveled at the vision of our Nisga’a elders who had the foresight to clearly state over a century ago the principal demands of Nisga’a Nation for treaty, lands and self-government.  Dr. Suzuki and Tara were greatly impressed.

After presenting Dr. Suzuki with small gifts (he liked the pins especially), Dr. Suzuki toured the rest of the building, at each part of the way, our NLG staff wanting to pose in pictures with him and Tara, with he and Tara graciously accommodating each of their requests.  Finally, we stopped by our new CEO’s office where Collier Azak took a few moments to meet with Dr. Suzuki and personally explain aspects of our Treaty to him.

Overall, it was brief but excellent visit.  Dr. Suzuki, we look forward to welcoming you and your family back anytime!

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