Elder's Council has new addition


Swearing in Ceremony at the June 20, Executive Meeting 

Sim’oogit Baxk’ap-Jacob Nyce was sworn in as a regular member for the Council of Elders at the June 20, 2012 NLG Executive meeting in Gitlaxt’aamix. During the ceremony, facilitated by Sim’oogit Luu dis doos (Harry Moore-alternate Chair of the Council of Elders), Sim’oogit Baxk’ap “thanked the community of Gitwinksihlkw for nominating him to sit with the council of elders; he further talked of the importance of maintaining the land for the generations yet to come.”

As defined by the Nisga’a Constitution the role of the Council of Elders is:

-Simgigat, Sigidimhaanak‚Äô, and respected Nisga‚Äôa elders   may advise Nisga‚Äôa Lisims Government on matters relating to the traditional values of the Nisga‚Äôa Nation through a Council of Elders composed of:

(a) the Chairperson of the Council of Elders; and

(b) other Simgigat, Sigidimhaanak’ and respected Nisga’a elders, to be chosen and appointed by Nisga’a Lisims Government in accordance with a law made by Wilp Si’ayuukhl Nisga’a.

Executive members signaled their appreciation of the Sim’oogit's opening address in a round of applause when he completed the signing of the official documents.

The Executive chairman, Kevin Mckay, concluded the ceremony by offering his Congratulations and best wishes to the Sim’oogit.

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