How do I make a claim for damage related to highway property or highway activity?

Anyone in the province who wishes to file a claim, may do so by:

Obtaining an H0050 (1998/03) NOTIFICATION OF CLAIM form from any ministry district or regional office. Click here to download a copy of the claim form.

Alternatively, potential claimants can submit a letter outlining the details of their claim, including their name, where and when the accident happened, if the accident was discussed with a ministry representative (if yes, please provide their name and telephone number). Describe any losses or damages sustained and whether police attended (if so, please provide a copy of the police report). In those instances where a claimant's vehicle or another person's vehicle was involved, please provide licence plate and insurance information. Please ensure the claimant's address and telephone number is included with the claim to enable a ministry adjuster to contact you as soon as possible.

Please fax or mail the H0050 form or your letter to:

Claims Unit
Construction and Maintenance Branch
Ministry of Transportation

Telephone: (250) 387-7575
Facsimile: (250) 356-9724 or (250) 356-2480
Office Location: 4C-940 Blanshard Street, Victoria B.C.

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