Immediate update from the Nisg̱a’a Emergency Preparedness Committee

Immediate update from Emergency Preparedness Committee

During the settlement feast, a statement was made that restrictions on total number of people permitted at gatherings has increased to 200 people.

This was found to be from the Province of Alberta as shown below.

The Province of BC has not released any notices or orders allowing the number to increase beyond 50 people for gatherings.

Gathering restrictions

A gathering is any situation that brings people together in the same space at the same time for the same purpose. Check with your local municipality for additional restrictions in your area.

Unless otherwise identified in public health orders, the following gathering restrictions are in place:

  • 200 people maximum for audience-type community outdoor events, such as festivals, firework displays, rodeos and sporting events, and outdoor performances
  • 100 people maximum for other outdoor events and indoor seated/audience events, including wedding ceremonies, funeral services, movie theatres, indoor arts and culture performances and other indoor spectator events where people remain seated
  • 50 people maximum for indoor social gatherings, including wedding and funeral receptions and birthday parties
  • No cap on the number of people (with public health measures in place):
    • worship gatherings
    • restaurant, cafes, lounges and bars
    • casinos and bingo halls
    • trade shows and exhibits

At this time, all event organizers are ordered to limit all public gatherings larger than 50 people. This includes indoor and outdoor sporting events, conferences, meetings, concerts, theatres, religious gatherings or other similar events. A new order from August 7, 2020 replaces the July 27, 2020 order. See the latest Order of the Provincial Health Officer on Gatherings and Events. The timing for a safe restart for activities requiring large gatherings is still to be determined as part of Phase four of BC's Restart Plan. Opening will be conditional on at least one of the following: wide vaccination, "community immunity" or broad successful treatments. 

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