A long time friend of the Nisga'a Nation.
On January 30, 2017, Thomas. R. Berger, a long time friend of the Nisga’a Nation visits the Nisga’a Lisims Government for the Wilp Si’ayuukhl Nisga’a sitting. He was acknowledge as a former Leader of the BC NDP (alongside the Late Dr. Frank Calder), a former judge on BC's Supreme Court, a lawyer for more than five decades, and an author. Mr. Berger was given an opportunity at the table to share how he first began the argument of aboriginal land title, the history of the Calder Case, and about his experience working with past and present Nisga’a leaders such as the Late James Gosnell, the late Frank Calder, and many more thereof. The newly elected members of the Nisga’a Legislature heard first hand how the Calder Case took place and how it had impacted First Nations across Canada and other countries around the world.
Thomas. R. Berger later concluded with gratitude, “You have honoured me in many ways for which I am grateful,” said Mr. Berger. "I was honoured to receive the Nisga’a name Halaydim-Xlaawit, "I am proud of that name and I still recall the marvalous ceremony in Gitwinksihlkw.” Mr. Berger concluded with; "You have honoured me with a Hayetsk and those honours to me are treasures.”
Mr. Edmond Wright, one of the early negotiators who worked with Mr. Berger, was given the opportunity to respond and speak to the words of Mr. Berger; “I think it’s very important to continue to see the venture that we had leading up to today," said Mr. Wright. He went on to say; "I think it is important to acknowledge the statements and stories you have shared, and on behalf the Wilp Si’ayuukhl Nisga’a, Thank you very much.” said Mr. Wright.
It truly was a day to remember at the Nisga’a Lisims Government legislative chambers. The newly elected were honoured to hear first hand the history of the Nisga’a Tribal Council, the work of Thomas. R. Berger, and how the Calder case made impact across Canada and other countries. Executive Chairperson, Brian Tait concluded with; “Our former leaders are still with us here today, and as you can see, their children are now here today” said Mr. Tait. “We would like to show honour for all the great work that you do, not only for the Nisga’a Nation, but for all Aboriginals as well.” said Mr. Tait.
Si’aamhl Wilsim Halaydim-Xlaawit