NAIG Series: Josh Grant - Under 16 Boys Soccer

Josh Eli Grant  is 15 years old and is adopted in to the Laxgibuu (Wolf) tribe from Wilps Duuk’.  Josh is the son of Pamela and Brian Grant.

Josh tried out in one of the Soccer ID camps in July 2013 and successfully made it for the Northwest Region for U-16 team. In August 2013 the team played in a provincial tournament in Sea Bird Island where five regions participated and the Northwest Region U-16 successfully won and are now Team BC.

Josh has played soccer since he was 4 years old with great passion, dedication and determination. Josh is a very active member in Terrace BC where he resides.   In addition to Team BC,  Josh also plays in Terrace Youth Sports Association, the house league and the rep league. He also plays for the Terrace Youth Sports Group, Terrace Wolverines.  

Josh trained with Team BC U-16 & U-18 boys leading up to the NAIG 2014. Josh’s family have had numerous fundraising events for him to attend the games through food sales, artwork, draws and sponsorship letters. Thank you to all his family and community members who continuously support him with his athletic journey to NAIG 2014.

Congratulations Josh and best of luck to you and your team at the games!

We thank Josh's mother Pamela for submitting his information and photo.

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