New RCMP Members for Lisims Detahcment

The Nass Valley getting leadership and experience at the RCMP detachment:

 The Lisims/Nass Valley RCMP are poised to welcome two new officers to the detachment later this summer.  Corporal Andrew PHILLIPS is a 12 year veteran of the force and will replace outgoing Corporal Milo RAMSEY. Corporal PHILLIPS has served at Campbell River, Ucluelet and Tofino Detachment's. He has an extensive traffic background and is a recognized court expert in criminal motor vehicle crash investigations. He was in-charge of the Municipal Traffic Section in Campbell River and was the acting detachment commander in Ucluelet last year. Cpl. PHILLIPS will be second in command at the Nass detachment. 

 Constable Spencer OWEN brings with him seven years of RCMP experience from Campbell River Detachment. Constable OWEN has patrol and street crime experience, mostly recently as the senior officer attached to that city's "Community Response Unit"; a unit that targeted prolific offenders with strategic enforcement. Constable OWEN will be the senior constable in the Nass.

 Sergeant Donovan Tait says: "Both of these officers can be considered first round draft picks for the Nass Valley; we are very lucky to be getting them. They bring with them knowledge, skills and abilities that will enhance the level of safety in the Nation and competence here at the detachment‚Äù. ‚ÄúCpl.PHILLIPS traffic and collision investigation experience along with Cst.OWEN's street/drug background will supplement our existing membership well",

Sergeant Donovan Tait goes onto share: "They have both chosen to transfer to the Nass Valley, leaving behind highly desirable postings/communities on Vancouver Island.  I think the secret is out. The police work in the Nation is very rewarding and we enjoy healthy working relationships with the villages - not to mention the lifestyle and beautiful area we live."

Prepared by:

Sergeant Donovan TAIT
Detachment Commander
Lisims/Nass Valley Detachment

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