NIFA Series: Jackson Clayton - U10


Jackson Mathias Clayton 

Tribe: Laxgibuu

Nisga'a name: Ni'isnu'n'ii

Wilps Gwiskya’an

Parents: Melissa Clayton & Bertram Stewart  

home town: New Aiyansh 

TEAM: NIFA/Nisga’a Hawks 

U10 Division 


Jackson has been playing soccer since he was 4 years old, taking part in various soccer camps throughout the year, a few tournaments with his u10 NISGA’A hawks team, and has been enrolled 5 years in the Terrace Youth Soccer Association. Jackson enjoyed this past season of Soccer the most, his Green Machine league team went undefeated throughout the season May to August. September his team went undefeated through the month long playoff season.  He managed to score 1-2 goals each game. Although he loves the game of soccer, he is also active in Basketball as well. Jackson is very much looking forward to the Culture and soccer Tour experience as the Europe trip is becoming a reality to him. 

Jackson and I would like to thank our supporters, whether it is financially, your words of encouragement and just being there at our side as we continue to reach our goal. 

Jackson and Team NIFA will make the NISGA’A Nation proud. 

Written from a Proud Mom  ❤️

Si'aamhl wilin Jackson!

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