Nisga'a Individual Landholding Project Implementation

At its meeting of October 25, 2012 the Executive passed the required regulations that bring the Nisga‚Äôa Landholding Transition Act into effect. This means that the project is now moving into an ‚Äòimplementation‚Äô phase, starting with education for Nisga‚Äôa citizens and Village Government staff. The purpose of these educational sessions is to give everyone a chance to learn how to use the new legislation, and to understand what needs to happen for Nisga‚Äôa citizens to get fee simple title to residentially zoned lands in Nisga‚Äôa villages. 

Community education will start in mid-November, and sessions will be held in each of the seven Nisga’a communities. Dates will be advertised here as soon as they are confirmed.

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