NLG Executive bids farewell to Sgt. Donovan Tait

Gitlaxt’aamiks, July 25, 2013 – Today the Executive of Nisga’a Lisims Government (NLG) honoured Sergeant Donovan Tait of the RCMP for his thoughtful and distinguished service to the four communities of  the Nass Valley by presenting Sgt Tait with a Hayatskw (coppershield) carved by Alver Tait.

President Mitchell Stevens praised Sgt. Tait’s efforts to effectively engage the Nisga’a people in the communities.   Executive Chairperson Kevin McKay commented that Donovan’s work make him a ‘man of the people’.

Sgt Tait was extremely appreciative and stated that he had long coveted a Hayatskw and was very happy to have been gifted one. 

In his parting comments, Sgt. Tait asked the executive to be ready to issue the challenge to the next incoming detachment commander to continue to effectively engage the Nisga’a Nation and the Nisga’a Villages in the manner that the RCMP has over the last two years.    He said that he leaves behind a detachment of 5 very fine RCMP officers with whom NLG will be able to work with.

During his time, Sgt Tait regularly visited all four Nisga’a Villages, often participating in cultural dancing and actively participating in other cultural events.  Tait also promoted the Yuuhlimk’askw program and diversion measures.   Donovan was particularly effective in communications through his numerous press releases and public relations events.   He always emphasized that the RCMP is a service provider and that this detachment was here to meet the needs and priorities identified by the Nisga’a communities.

Finally, Sgt Tait, who brought his daughter with him for this ceremony, indicated that he and his family would return to visit the valley to visit down the road.

Dim Huwx ga'ay' niin, Donovan Tait.

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