Operation Spread a little Sunshine Concludes

The 2013 growing season for ‘Operation Spread a Little Sunshine’ has officially drawn to a close!  The transformation of our little seeds over the past 4 months has been truly amazing!!

A small but enthusiastic group of employees representing a cross-section of all 6 Teams were witness to the official ‘Height Measurement Ceremony’ held today starting at 1:00 pm.

The official results for height measurements are as follows:

Team 1:  53”

Team 2:  85”

Team 3:  80”

Team 4:  69”

Team 5:  85.5”

Team 6:  48”

In addition to height, there will be a other prizes awarded in a myriad of other categories.  Presentation of prizes will take place next week.

Thank you to all for your participation in this project!  More photos can be viewed HERE.

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