Press Release: A Change at Nisga'a Lisims Government

NLG reluctantly accepts resignation of CEO who will work over next few months to assist in smooth transition

Gitlaxt'aamiks, BC, February 21, 2013 – Nisga’a Lisims Government announced that it has reluctantly accepted the resignation of Frederic Tolmie from the position of CEO of Nisga’a Lisims Government.

“It is unfortunate that such a valuable person in the office of CEO has decided to step down,” stated President Mitchell Stevens, “but I trust you will join me in thanking Mr. Tolmie for his immeasurable contribution to Nisga’a Lisims Government and to the Nation."

Mr. Tolmie commenced his employment with NLG in December of 2004, committing to a term of 4 years.  Well into his 9th year with the NLG leadership, his extended tenure is indeed a testament to his commitment to Nisga‚Äôa Lisims Government.
President Mitchell Stevens further stated "While Mr. Tolmie wishes to pursue a more balanced approach to work and life, he has graciously agreed to work over the next few months with the Executive and Senior Administration during the transitional phase of his departure, wishing to assist in any capacity deemed appropriate."
"Frederic Tolmie has been a loyal servant and true friend to the Nisga'a Nation.  I'm very optimistic that he will continue to assist us in other capacities in the near future" commented President Stevens.
For any questions please contact Edward Allen, Director of Communications at  (250) 633-3069 or


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