RCMP Lisims/Nass Valley's pilot project with the WITS program

Community Partners,

Please find attached an article that showcases RCMP Lisims/Nass Valley's pilot project with the WITS program. The Horse & Rider is an RCMP E Division (provincewide) Community Policing publication.

As you will recall, our area was selected as one of seven pilot sites to roll this program out. The energy of Cst. Vanessa DeMERCHANT made this program highly successful in our schools and with our youth. You will also recall that a NESS kindergarten student won the National WITS poster contest as well, earning a $500 gift certificate from Chapters book stores for the school library.

I am pleased that the RCMP chose to highlight the Nass Valley in their publication and thank you all again in your continued support of community policing pursuits throughout the Nation.

Prepared by

Sgt. Donovan Tait

RCMP Lisims-Nass Valley

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