RCMP "Proudly Serving the Nisga'a Nation"

It was a brisk, cold and sunshiny afternoon in Gitlaxt'aamiks where members of the Lisims Nass Valley RCMP along with members of the Nisga'a Public Order Peace and Safety (POPS) Committee hosted a short Nisga'a naming and blessing ceremony.  In another gesture of good faith and in the spirit of partnership, the Lisims Nass Valley RCMP detachment launched the display of local Nisga'a artist Bradley Percival's artwork, with the tagline, "Proudly Serving the Nisga'a Nation" (in Nisga'a and English) on each of their police vehicles.

Following the blessing by the Chairperson of the Council of Elders Sigidim-nak' Angaye'e (Shirley Morven), the RCMP formally acknowledged the collaborative efforts of artist Brad Percival and Nisga'a Elders Sigidim haanak' Nagats'agat (Mercy Moore) and Ksim Sook' (Nita Morven) in providing the Nisga'a interpretation and spelling, which reads, "Luu-Am'aamhl Gagoodim' wil dip Sil-gahahlal'skwhl Nisga'a".

Further photos of the ceremony can be viewed HERE

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