Swearing-in of the Administrative Decision Review Board in the July 2022 Executive sitting.

In the July 20, 2022 Executive Meeting, Nisga’a Lisims Government Council of Elders Chairperson, Herb Morven has sworn in board members of the Nisga’a Administrative Review Board (the “NADRB” or “board”).

-        David Griffin, Chairperson

-        Phyllis Alexcee, Board Member

-        Farley Stewart, Board Member

-        Absent from the photo – Ed McMillan, Board Member

The NADRB is a Nisga’a Public Institution established by Nisga’a Lisims Government under the Nisga’a Administrative Decisions Review Act (the “Act”). It plays an important function, required by the Nisga’a Constitution, of reviewing certain administrative decisions made by Nisga’a Public Institutions following requests for review made by individuals who are affected by those decisions. 
Board Composition and Responsibilities
The NADRB is composed of a chairperson, as well as two to five members, who are appointed by the Nisga’a Lisims Government Executive.
The NADRB is an independent office within Nisga’a Lisims Government and its role is required by the Nisga’a Constitution. Specifically, the NADRB’s role is to ensure that certain administrative decisions of Nisga’a Public Institutions are reasonable and in accordance with Nisga’a law. Members of the board perform this role by hearing and deciding reviews brought by individuals who are affected by those decisions. The chairperson of the NADRB performs this role, as well as additional administrative functions. The specific responsibilities of the NADRB are outlined in the Act and other Nisga’a laws, including Nisga’a Elections laws.
Term, Expectations and Remuneration
The chairperson of the NADRB is appointed by the Nisga’a Lisims Government Executive for a term of three (3) years.

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