Terrace Standard: Province boosts skills training assistance

By Staff Writer - Terrace Standard
Published: March 03, 2013 7:00 AM
Updated: March 04, 2013 4:06 PM

THE PROVINCE says it has found $2 million to provide in the form of grants worth up to $6,500 each for students enrolled in specific skill development programs at Northwest Community College and other institutions.

At Northwest Community College the additional assistance is for students taking heavy-duty equipment technician courses, mining drilling and blasting courses, mining and mineral processing courses and introductory courses for commercial transport mechanics and millwright and industrial mechanic programs.

Speaking last week, advanced education minister John Yap said the decision to make the money available to students in specific trades program speaks to the province's emphasis on skills training in northern regions.

“We're trying to encourage more students in trades so they are job-prepared when they are completed,” said Yap.

“This is in addition to any other money. It was reprofiled within existing budgets.”

Yap said the money is paid out as a student progresses through his or her program and is contingent upon the student achieving specific goals.

Trades and other students at Northwest Community College are already eligible to receive help through a $500,000 account that's new to the college this year and comes from the jobs and skills training ministry.

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