The in-season TRTC and Nisga’a entitlement estimates for Nass salmon were higher for Nass Sockeye, Coho, Pink, and Chum than pre-season forecasts based on in-season data. In-season Nass Chinook estimates were lower than preseason forecasts, and no harvest surplus was identified for Nass Area Chum salmon as the in-season TRTC estimate was not above the minimum escapement goal (30,000). Based on the in-season data, Nass salmon TRTC returns in 2013 were above average for Coho and Pink, and below average for Sockeye, Chinook, and Chum based on historical mean TRTC data from 1994 – 2012. Nisga’a harvests in 2013 were close to in-season catch potentials except for Pink: Sockeye ~71,000 vs. ~75,000, Chinook ~3,900 versus ~3,500 (plus underage), Coho ~19,000 vs. 19,200, Pink: ~36,000 vs. ~201,000, and Chum 100 vs. <500.

For Nass Pink and Chum, we used historical harvest rates to estimate the ranges for TRTC and Nisga'a entitlements in 2013 based on the commercial catch data in Area 3 (~2,362,000 Pink; ~73,000 Chum including releases) and a
Nass stock adjustment (26% Pink, 1.3% Chum) based on historical commercial catch estimates. The historical Area 3 harvest rates (and Nass stock adjustments) for Pink were based on odd year estimates from 1985-2007 (mean=40%,
min=14%, max=74%), and for Chum were based on commercial catch data from 2004-2012 including release data (mean=7%, min=2%, max=12%).


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