W'iihoon (August) 2017 Calendar - Ayuukhl Nisga'a

In an effort promote the daily use of our Nisg̱a’a language in the workplace and at home, the Ayuuḵhl Nisg̱a’a Department has produced the attached monthly calendar for the current month of W̓iihoon  (August).

 In addition to the standard calendar content such as Hli hloḵsihl k’uuhl (months of the year), hli sadihl g̱anuutkw (days of the week) ii hli sadihl hloḵs (days of the month), the calendar also contains introductory sentences and phrases that may be practiced daily with co-workers or family and friends.

 The calendar will be distributed at the beginning of each month and will contain content relevant to each month – for example G̱enuugwiikw (September) is back to school, so if you want to learn how to tell your child to get up and get ready for school, be sure to check out next month’s calendar!

For further information on this calendar please contact Sheila Azak, Language Coordinator via telephone at 250-633-3000 or toll-free 1-866-633-0888.

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Any content could go in here.
