Nisga'a Youth Travels Abroad

Esteli, Nicaragua is a city with a population of 119,000 located in Central America and will be Nisga’a Youth Teanna Ducharme’s home for the next 3 months.  Teanna is venturing out on an international journey with Canada World Youth (“CWY”) this week.

Teanna’s journey in CWY’s Youth Leaders in Action program will include two phases: a 3 month stay in Hamilton, Ontario and 3 months in Esteli, Nicaragua.  In both cities, she will work with both her Canadian and Nicaraguan counterparts (all women) on community development projects primarily in the areas of gender equity and prevention of violence against women.

When asked if she has travelled internationally before, Teanna proudly confirmed that she has in fact been to Tanzania, Africa earlier this year in another CWY program for Aboriginal Youth.  Teanna spent 6 weeks in Tanzania where she also engaged in community development work and even met the President of Tanzania!

Her motivation to travel internationally includes the opportunity to experience diverse cultures around the world and to proudly share the rich history, language and culture of the Nisga’a Nation.  “Culture is important and representing the Nisga’a Nation I feel that I am paying tribute to leaders gone before and I feel that I am showing other youth that they can do the same.” said Ducharme.

When asked what advice she may have for other Nisga’a youth that may want to follow a similar path, Teanna simply said, “It may sound cliché, but just follow your dreams!”.  She then went on to explain how she had set a personal goal for herself as an adolescent that when she graduated from high school she would travel to Paris, France and through hard work, personal savings and the support of her extended family, she made her goal a reality.

Canada World Youth offers world-renowned international volunteer programs to youth from Canada and abroad who, through their participation in community-driven development projects, acquire leadership skills that allow them to become agents of change.

President H. Mitchell Stevens encouraged Ducharme’s efforts, “Teanna is a role model for Nisga’a youth.  We’re certainly proud of her accomplishments and her determination.”  Stevens concluded, “We’re especially proud of her willingness to travel abroad to developing countries to help make those countries better places to live.”

Teanna is Ksim Ganada from Wilps Axdii Wil Luugooda and is the daughter of Melanie Woods and Todd Ducharme.


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