Take the Nisga’a Language Assessment Survey, be sure to check out the Community Consultation notice to partake.


Da dip hooxhl lip algax̱am̓ ii aamhl hli nax̱n̓adit

When we speak our language it sounds so good.


Nisga’a Lisims Government (NLG), Council of Elders and the Interim Nisga’a Language and Culture Authority invites Nisga’a Citizens to complete the Nisga’a Language Assessment Survey.  NLG appreciates your participation and engagement in the planning of Nisga’a Nation language revitalization.  By clicking on the link below, you will be redirected to a ‘Survey Monkey’ online site that is used to process the Nisga’a Language Assessment Survey.  Please complete the survey questions which includes multiple choice questions and questions requiring you to enter feedback as comments.

Please click here to access the online survey: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/HNCGNL2

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