Notice from the Department of Nisga'a Enforcement Office

When preserving fish or other seafood throughout the season, please ensure that you clean up after your completed task by doing the following:

RFEOI: Nisga'a Salmon Value Adding & Marketing

March 9, 2015 - Nisga'a Lisims Government

Request for Expressions of Interest in the Value Adding and Marketing of Nisga'a Salmon

NLG has been marketing a portion of Nisga'a Salmon each year since 2000.  NLG is currently seeking a Partner or Partners with whom to maximize the sales value and net profits of Nisga'a Salmon that NLG determines will be harvested for the purpose of the sale by the Nisga'a Nation ("the Project").

Notice - NVHA Clinic Open on weekends in Gitlaxt'aamiks

The clinic will be open on weekends in Gitlaxt'aamiks effective Saturday, September 6, 2014.

Weekends the times will be as follows:

  • Saturdays from 9:00am to 12:00pm and 1:00pm to 5:00pm
  • Sundays 9:00am to 12:00pm

Please call 250-633-5000 or 1-888-233-2212 to book an appointment.

Please use the Emergency Entrance for the clinic on the weekends.  Thank you. 



The Nisga'a Nation Quality of Life Strategy will:

  1. Engage Nisga'a citizens and resources through a Quality of Life Summit
  2. Align Governance, Administration, Programs and Services with a quality of life approach
  3. Develop a life-long quality of life policy
  4. Document, measure and prove changes in quality of life

See the Nisga'a Nation Quality of Life informational video HERE

Reporting a FOREST FIRE on Nisga’a Lands

Is the forest fire located away from occupied Village Lands

1.       Report a Wildfire: 1-800-663-5555 or *5555 from a  mobile phone,


2.       Contact Nisga‚Äôa Lisims Government

 o  NLG Fire Chief ‚Äì Warren Fekete, RPF, A/Director of Lands and Resources








Terrace Inn, Skeena 1 & 2


7:00 pm to 9:00 pm



Nisga’a Lisims Government will be holding a public meeting with the Nisga’a citizens of Terrace.


Power Outage April 18th

Notice to Community Members - the power will be out Thursday April 18th from 6:00am to 6:00 pm from just north of Terrace including all of the Nass Valley, Meziadin Junction and District of Stewart. Note – Rosswood is not impacted by this outage.


This outage is required to allow crews to safely upgrade the power system with the goal of improved performance and system reliability.

As of 11:42pm the Tsunami Warning for Zone A - North Coast and Haida Gwaii has been downgraded to an advisory.  As such, Gingolx evacuees and those that went to higher ground have been given clearance to return to their homes in Gingolx.

The NLG EOC will be deactivating for the evening.


Laxgalts‚Äôap, BC ‚Äì Saturday October, 27, 2012 ‚Äì a 7.7 magnitude earthquake occurred this evening off the coast of Haida Gwaii.   Effects of the quake were felt in Laxgalt‚Äôsap and we have also received reports from New Aiyansh and Terrace that the quake was felt in those locations as well.

Sections along Cranberry Connector, specifically the Kitine & Headly Mainlines are closed to public users during construction of the Northwest Transmission Line.

These are roads that branch off the Cranberry Connecter, the connector itself is open, however a spokesperson for the construction crew advises mortorists for their own safety to read and obey posted signs.There are two advisory signs located at each access point to the connector,  one is at the entrance off of Highway 113 and the other at the entrance off of Highway 37.


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