NVHA Nation Walk 2013

NVHA Mental Health & Addictions Department

Invite all Nisga'a Traditional Houses, Chiefs, Matriarchs, Princes', Princess, Lisims Government, all people and Nisga'a Entities and organizations in the Nisga'a Nation to join NVHA in a Nation Substance Abuse Awareness Walk.

Date:     November 20, 2013

Place:     Gitlaxt'aamiks

Start:     3:00pm (Gather at 2:30pm)

Walk will start at Holy Trinity Church Parking Lot, go around past NESS and end at Gitmidiik Auditorium.

Following the walk we will have a community Dinner at 5:00pm at the Gitmidiik Auditorium.

Hip Hop Rap Contest presentations (Prizes to be awarded)

"Alcohol... It's a DRUG too"

Be safe, Be sensible, Know your limit."

Further information on Nisga'a Valley Health Authority's Schedule of Events HERE


Wednesday, November 20, 2013 - 15:00 to 17:00
Type of Event: 

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