Basic Northwest Coast Art Formline Designing Workshop



PLACE-Nisga’a Museum Multipurpose Room

DATE- March 4th to March 8th, 2013


TIME-9:00 AM-5:00 PM

FEE: Free of Charge

LUNCH: Participants will be required to bring lunch on the first four days, and lunch will be provided for day 5.

Press Release: A Change at Nisga'a Lisims Government

NLG reluctantly accepts resignation of CEO who will work over next few months to assist in smooth transition

Gitlaxt'aamiks, BC, February 21, 2013 – Nisga’a Lisims Government announced that it has reluctantly accepted the resignation of Frederic Tolmie from the position of CEO of Nisga’a Lisims Government.

Aboriginal Northern Health Newsletter - February 2013

Hello everyone, here is the February update on the happenings in Northern Health Aboriginal Health as well as some items to share that have come across our desks. Please feel free to share this with others whom you feel might be interested. Thank you.

Nisga’a Museum Prepares for a New Season

Hli Goothl Wilps-Adokshl Nisga’a preparations for this years’ tourist season has been off to a great start! The staff have already received bookings from schools in the Terrace area to visit the museum as part of their visit to Fishery Bay during the oolichan season.

At this time the Museum will be opened from Monday to Friday from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm. Please feel free to come and visit.  Tour groups are urged to book well in advance. Once Tourist Season starts in May, the Nisga‚Äôa Museum will be open seven days a week.

At least 3,000 aboriginal children died in residential schools, research shows


Colin Perkel

The Canadian Press

Published Monday, Feb. 18 2013, 10:42 AM EST

Last updated Monday, Feb. 18 2013, 1:52 PM EST

At least 3,000 children, including four under the age of 10 found huddled together in frozen embrace, are now known to have died during attendance at Canada’s Indian residential schools, according to new unpublished research.

Classic Rock CFNR will be live on location at Hoobiyee 2013 in Gitwinksihlkw

Unable to attend Hoobiyee 2013 in Gitwinksihlkw?  Fortunately for you, Classic Rock CFNR will be live on location! 

The Nisga’a New Year Event returns in the Nass Valley. This year the Village of Gitwinksihlkw (Formerly Canyon City) is hosting and is keen on telling the original story of Hobiyee, saying the tradition had come from Gitwinksihlkw to begin with. There’s only way to find out! Join CFNR and countless others in the Nass Valley Friday the 22nd and Saturday the 23rd for dancing, singing, feasting! Come and help the Nisga’a Nation celebrate their New Year.

Domestic Violence - It's a Crime!

The Lisims RCMP Detachment, SGT. Donovan Tait and NLG take it very seriously. Below is an excerpt of the policy the RCMP must follow in every instance of a report of possible domestic violence.

"The RCMP has a very detailed policy guiding the actions and responses of RCMP members dealing with a reported incident of domestic violence.


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